Latest Development (CICD) Release: 6.0.5278


The releases on this page are the latest builds from the Subsurface CICD (Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery) system. While we don't expect them to be broken very often, they may not have received a lot of testing yet, and may still be buggy.

These installers, and previous versions of them, can also be found on the GitHub 'nightly-builds' Releases Page.

The latest change-sets merged into this release are:

  • Export: Cleanup jqplot Module References.
  • Export: Update jquery to a Secure Version.
  • mobile: fix dive detail scrolling
  • CICD: Fix Windows Build.
  • Make libraw support optional

If you are looking for a somewhat less "bleeding edge" set of builds, please consider the Current Release Page.

This Subsurface Windows installer is not signed and Windows will likely ask you to confirm that you want to install this program.
The Subsurface macOS DMG is not signed. macOS will force you through a few extra steps before you can install or run this program. You can simplify the process by control-clicking (or two-finger-clicking) on the executable and selecting to open it.

The Subsurface Android APK can be side-loaded on most Android devices. If you previously had installed Subsurface-mobile from the Google Play store, the first time you switch to a side-loaded app, you'll have to uninstall the Play store version. Make sure your data is synced to the Subsurface Cloud. After you install this APK and log in to the Subsurface Cloud again, the data will be restored. Every subsequent update will not require an uninstall.

A brief explanation of the concept of side-loading can be found in this androidcentral article.

iOS is the only platform right now where in general side-loading or installing unsigned binaries is impossible (apparently that may change for users in the EU, but not elsewhere). As a result we cannot make new versions of Subsurface-mobile for iOS available here. We try to push many of these builds into our public TestFlight account. If you like to be on the bleeding edge, you can sign up for the Subsurface-mobile TestFlight.


The Subsurface team is providing distribution packages for Ubuntu and Fedora as well as a Snap and a generic "AppImage" that should work on most other x86_64 Linux distributions.

Ubuntu and compatible distros

To use these binaries in Ubuntu, simply add the Subsurface Daily Release PPA to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:subsurface/subsurface-daily; sudo apt update

and then install Subsurface with sudo apt install subsurface


To install the Subsurface CICD binaries on Fedora simply run

sudo dnf copr enable dirkhh/Subsurface-test

and then install Subsurface with dnf install subsurface

Other x86_64 Linux distributions

The 'edge' Snap-channel contains our latest build.
A generic AppImage is available. After you download this file, make it executable chmod +x Subsurface-6.0.5278-CICD-release.AppImage, and then simply run this file.